Sunday, July 10, 2011

The ten commandments

Okay, lets look at the ten commandments. I have objections to several of them.
The first seems to imply there are other gods. This would be in direct contradiction to Yahweh's claim to be the only god.
The second flat out states that children are responsible for the sins of their ancestors. Talk about unfair.
No one breaks the third one... when was the last time you heard "Yahweh damnit!". "God" isn't God's name. Yahweh is.
Are there any Christians out there that don't work on the Sabbath? Fair enough they get forgiveness for it, but repeatedly disobeying god's own words is a tad hypocritical, don't you think?
Honor thy father and mother? What if you didn't know them, or they beat you? Should you accept any act they perform because you must honor them?
I can get behind "Thou shalt not murder", but wouldn't that imply that no christian could morally go to war?
"Should not commit adultery" Fair enough. But nothing about people who aren't married shagging like bunnies. Notice no prohibition on condoms, either.
"Should not steal". Yeah, this one I can live with.
Number nine and ten seems to imply that lying and coveting is fine as long as you aren't doing it to your next door neighbor.

Good Quotes

How about: Faith is an unreliable path to the Truth... or how about: If you don't want me to ridicule your beliefs, don't hold ridiculous beliefs.

Roleplaying and Religion

Okay, I was reading a blog about roleplaying and how it would lead one to witch craft and suchlike. Well, can anyone point me in the direction of this occult power I'm supposed to be getting? I've been running and playing role playing games for nigh on 20 years now, and nada. Maybe I don't have any magical talent. That can't be it, cause none of the others who play with me get any either. Hmmm. Maybe I'm not watching enough Harry Potter. That's sure to turn me into a broomstick riding maniac any day now.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Morality and Athiesm

There has been a fair bit of debate about how atheists can have morality without some external source providing it. I'm personally in it for the survival of the species. Eventually the earth will be consumed by some catastrophe that will make human life upon it an impossibility. Before that point we have to have colonized other worlds or face extinction. To do so requires a huge number of human beings working in cooperation. Happy people are cooperative people. Therefore it only makes sense to make others happy. Behaving in a moral and ethical manner will tend to increase the percentage of people who are happy.

Aren't we getting old?

Aren't we getting a little too advanced to be believing in fairy tales? You know, stuff like santa claus, the easter bunny, unicorns, griffins, dragons, god, ghosts, UFO's, Mohammed, etc.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Scientific Religion

I have recently read a post by a scientist who is also religious. He wondered why people were having a go at him for believing in a god, whilst at the same time being a scientist. The reason is thus: Your ability to believe in something that there is no evidence for is intellectually dishonest, and makes everything you do as a scientist suspect. Belief is at best irrational, and at worst delusional. Why would we accept any work that you do as "truth" when you clearly demonstrate that you are delusional?

Monday, June 13, 2011


Here's my attempt at a ironic quote. "In the beginning, god created the universe out of string..."